North America Bibliography
Anderson, R.S., S.P. Anderson, J.S. Walder, D.C. Trabant, and A.G. Fountain. “The Dynamic Response of Kennicot Glacier, Alaska, USA to the Hidden Creek Lake Outburst Flood.” Annals of Glaciology 40 (2005): 237-42. View/purchase online»
Capps DM, Rabus B, Clague JJ, Shugar DH. “Identification and characterization of alpine subglacial lakes using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR): Brady Glacier, Alaska, USA.” Journal of Glaciology 56, no. 199 (2010): 861-870. View/purchase online»
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Driedger, C.L., and A.G. Fountain. “Glacier Outburst Floods at Mt. Rainier, Washington State, U.S.A.” Annals of Glaciology 13, no. Proceedings of the Symposium on Snow and Glacier Research Relating to Human Living Conditions (1989): 51-55. View/purchase online»
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Wilcox, A. C., Wade, A. A., & Evans, E. G. (2013). Glacial Outburst Flooding, Bear Glacier, Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska.
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Huggel, Christian, Wilfried Haeberli, and Andreas Kääb. “Glacial Hazards: Perceiving and Responding to Threats in Four World Regions.” In Darkening Peaks: Glacial Retreat, Science, and Society, edited by Ben Orlove, Ellen Wiegandt and Brian Luckman, 68-80. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. View/purchase online»
Julio, P., and H. Delgado. “Fast Hazard Evaluation Employing Digital Photogammery: Popocatepetl Glaciers, Mexico.” Geofísical Internacional 42 (2003): 275-83. View/purchase online»
Kaser, Georg, Martin Großhauser, and Ben Marzeion. “Contribution Potential of Glaciers to Water Availability in Different Climate Regimes.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, no. 47 (2010): 20223-20227. View/purchase online»
Kershaw, Jane A., John J. Clague, and Stephen G. Evans. “Geomorphic and Sedimentological Signature of a Two-Phase Outburst Flood from Moraine-Dammed Queen Bess Lake, British Columbia, Canada.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30, no. 1 (2005): 1-25. View/purchase online»
McKillop, R.J., and J.J. Clague. “Statistical, Remote-Sensing Based Approach for Estimating the Probability of Catastrophic Drainage from Moraine-Dammed Lakes in Southwestern British Columbia.” Global and Planetary Change 56, no. 1-2 (2007): 153-71. View/purchase online»
Moore, R.D., S.W. Fleming, B. Menounos, R. Wheate, A. Fountain, K. Stahl, K. Holm, and M. Jakob. “Glacier Change in Western North America: Influences on Hydrology, Geomorphic Hazards and Water Quality.” Hydrological Processes 23 (2009): 42-61. View/purchase online»
O’Connor, J., and J. Costa. “Geologic and Hydrologic Hazards in Glacierized Basins in North America Resulting from 19th and 20th Century Global Warming.” Natural Hazards 8, no. 2 (1993): 121-40. View/purchase online»
Petrakov, D.A., S.S. Chernomorets, S.G. Evans, and O.V. Tutubalina. “Catastrophic Glacial Multi-Phase Mass Movements: A Special Type of Glacial Hazard.” Advances in Geosciences 14 (2008): 211-18. View/purchase online»
Reardon, Blase A., Daniel B. Fagre, Mark Dundas, and Chris Lundy. “Natural Glide Slab Avalanches, Glacier National Park, U.S.A.: A Unique Hazard and Forecasting Challenge.” In Issw Proceedings. Telluride, CO: ISSW, 2006. View/purchase online»
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Shugar, D.H. and J.J. Clague. “The Sedimentology and Geomorphology of Rock Avalanche Deposits on Glaciers.” Sedimentology 58.7 (2011): 1762–1783. View/purchase online»
Shugar, D.H., Rabus, B.T., Clague, J.J., Capps, D.M. “The Response of Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska, to the Denali Earthquake Rock Avalanches.” Journal of Geophysics 117 (2012). View/purchase online»
Waitt, Richard B. “Case for Periodic, Colossal Jökulhlaups from Pleistocene Glacial Lake Missoula.” Geological Society of America Bulletin 96, no. 10 (1985): 1271-86. View/purchase online»
Walder, Joseph, and Carolyn Driedger. “Glacier-Generated Debris Flows at Mt. Rainier.” United States Geological Survey, 1993. View/purchase online»